PCB Design Program - FS Technology

PCB Design Program - FS Technology

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<p>The reason PCBs are called single-sided is because the simplest PCBs have parts on one side and wires on the other. This is because the wires only appear on one side. Multilayer boards with multiple layers of conductors require proper circuit connections between the two layers. The bridge between the chains is called a viaduct. The basic PCB design process of FS technology can be divided into four steps:</p>
<p>(1) FS Technology Schematic Design: Schematic design mainly uses Protel DXP schematic editor for circuit design.</p>
<p>(2) Network report generation: An online report is a report showing the circuit principle and connection relationship between different components. Bridging and connecting circuit boards and circuit board designs. With the help of the schematic network report, you can quickly find the connection between components, which is convenient for subsequent PCB design.</p>
<p>(3) FS Technology PCB Design: PCB design is what we usually call PCB design. This is the final converted form of the circuit diagram. The corresponding design of this part is more complicated than the schematic design. The powerful design features of Protel DXP can complement this part of the design.</p>
<p>(4) Generate FS Technology PCB report: After the PCB design is completed, it is necessary to generate various reports such as output report, PCB information report, network status report, etc., and finally print the PCB layout.<br />

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