BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME: X-WR-TIMEZONE:Asia/Tokyo X-WR-RELCALID:"" BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Japan BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:19390101T000000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0900 TZOFFSETTO:+0900 TZNAME:JST END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210809T000000DTEND; CREATED:20210721T025646ZDESCRIPTION:Summer Internship Program for Undergraduate / Postgraduate Students 2021|Komuro Consulting Group : コムロ(小室)コンサルティンググループLAST-MODIFIED:20210721T030857ZLOCATION:東京都渋谷区代々木一丁目30SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Summer Internship Program for Undergraduate / Postgraduate Students 2021|Komuro Consulting Group : コムロ(小室)コンサルティンググループTRANSP:OPAQUE URL:■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □
 Internship of The Best Talented Young People from All Over The World
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Internship Program for Undergraduate / Postgraduate Students 2021

● This event is hosted by

Komuro Consulting Group

● Organiser

Komuro Consulting Group Internship Project Team

● Dates

From : August 9th 2021(Monday) To : August 13th 2021(Friday) 【Total : 5 days】

● Location

Tensho Yoyogi Building, 1-30-15 Yoyogi,
Shibuya City, Tōkyō 151-0053, Japan

● Required conditions for application

◆ You are either in your final year at your university or currently a post graduate student.
◆ You do not have a full-time job.

● Number of people joining this event

A small group

● Treatment

We will not provide you with any financial reward or your travel cost.

● Rewards

◆ Certificate of joining the internship program.
◆ Message card from the attendees and photos.

● The program contains

【1】 Understanding the work of consulting through case studies.
【2】 Research and analysis for consulting.
【3】 Understanding more about consulting.
【4】 Joint workshop with high school interns.

● Teacher and mentor

CEO of Komuro Consulting Group, Masashi KOMURO etc.

● Process of selecting the students

Application ⇒ Documental Selection ⇒ Interview ⇒ Final Result
※We will inform you the results via email or phone call.
※We do not accept any inquiries regarding the final results.

● Schedule for application

*1st Application*
[1] Dates for sending the documents : May 3rd 2021(Monday) - May 21st 2021(Friday)
[2] Interview dates : May 28th(Friday) / 29th(Saturday) / 30th(Sunday) 2021
*2nd Application*
[1] Dates for sending the documents : June 14th 2021(Monday) - July 2nd 2021(Friday)
[2] Interview dates : July 9th(Friday) / 10th(Saturday) / 11th(Sunday) 2021
※You cannot apply twice. You must follow the deadlines.

● Application documents

1.Profile ※Must include your photo.
2.Essay ※Write for the following four topics separately.
  ● What I value the most in consulting.
  ● What is a ‘value’ you can provide to others?
  ● My work and hobbies.
  ● What is your dream and what have you done to attempt to achieve it?



コムロ(小室)コンサルティンググループ / Komuro Consulting Group
Our Tagline : "Open" to All University and Graduate Students from All Over The World
Address : 1-30-15 Yoyogi, Shibuya City, Tōkyō 151-0053, Japan
CEO : 小室匡史 / Masashi KOMURO
URL : 
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