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You will learn how to do a simple "laser pointer blue test" to ensure that your colloidal silver solution actually has silver particles. The laser light test is the simplest and least expensive method of testing a colloidal silver solution and visually shows billions of submicron silver particles suspended in the solution. Just enter a dark room, a transparent glass colloidal silver, and flash from top to bottom with a red laser light into the solution. However, if you have a red laser light in a glass of pure steam water, there is no laser beam at all because there is no mineral content in the red laser's steam water. This is how you prove beyond any shadow of doubt that your colloidal silver solution actually contains billions of suspended submicron silver particles. You will see a thin thin red light beam in the solution. That is because the red laser is reflected from the surface of billions of tiny submicron silver particles suspended in the solution, which in turn forms a thin beam of light.

Normally available laser pointers emit red light, although there will be more expensive pointers that emit green or blue light. There are more powerful laser pointer classes - these categories are Class 3b and Class 4 laser pointers.These classes give the user a degree of laser hazard. Licenses need to import, own and use this laser, and the license fee can be many times the cost of the laser pen. The laser beam from these pointers may reach hundreds of milliwatts, which is very dangerous.The laser pointer is a handheld, pen and battery powered device that can be used to project a laser beam in order to highlight the critical position on the screen or the region of interest during the demonstration. Laser pointer red is usually in the 1,2 or 3A laser level, the beam power up to 5 mW. The higher the level, the stronger the laser, the greater the potential threat if it is used improperly.
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