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ギャラリーSPACEKIDS  東京都 港区 南青山二丁目8
The relationship between humans and artifacts can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology, where the sculptor Pygmalion's statue was revived by a kiss. It is the stuff of myth and science fiction - part of the history we write, part of the future we imagine. Feminist thinker Donna Haraway's famous Cyborg Manifesto, written in 1991.

The movement is trying to avoid the sexual objectification of robots, but at the cost of politicizing them, and doing so in a narrow way. If robots shouldn't have artificial sexuality, why should they have a narrow, unthinking sense of morality? It's one thing to have a conversation and summarize technological developments, it's another to demand silence before anyone has a chance to speak. Sex doll robots have applications far beyond his definition of "a machine used in female form as a sexual object, a substitute for a human sex doll or sexual instrument. We impose our beliefs on these machines, personify them, and bring our own prejudices and assumptions to bear. Sex doll robots, like much of the technology we use today, are designed by men, for men.

Although the wedding received many blessings, Hikarihiko Kondo was still surrounded by voices of opposition, especially from his parents, who wanted him to marry a real woman, not a virtual idol. There are some of his colleagues who do not understand him, but it is good to know that there are many young people who understand him, and there are even those who share his desire to marry their idols. The biggest opponents came from Hatsune Miku fans, as Hatsune Miku is not Kondo Hikari's idol alone, but is loved by millions of people, who opposed the marriage, even with a threatening tone. However, Kondo Hikarihiko said that he and Hatsune Miku got married not on a whim, but has been living with Hatsune Miku for 10 years.

In the years of marriage with Hatsune Miku, Kondo Hikarihiko says their relationship has never changed. It's just that sometimes it's not love that defeats love, but stopping service. It turns out that, although it is not illegal to marry Hatsune Miku, but Hatsune Miku is copyrighted, unfortunately, two years after Kondo Hikarihiko and Hatsune Miku got married, the copyright of the Hatsune Miku projection Hatsune Gatebox expired and could not continue to provide services, which means that Kondo Hikarihiko could no longer communicate with his "wife", this news This news made him very sad for a while. Now, Kondo Hikarihiko still lives with Hatsune Miku, although he can not hear her say good morning, good night, but he said he does not intend to change a virtual wife. Moreover, even if a future woman expresses herself willing to marry him and become his second wife after Hatsune Miku, he will refuse.

Are sex dolls newsworthy? I certainly think they do! However, it is understandable that the topic of sex dolls is rarely in the headlines. That's why it's exciting when we see news stories related to sex dolls. So, let's see what news stories have featured sex dolls!
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東京都港区 ギャラリーSPACEKIDS



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